EndNote 同步数据库路径修改

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EndNote 是我目前在用的文献管理工具。有尝试过 Mendeley,由于它主打在线服务和多平台支持,因此引用的录入环节比 EndNote 略方便一点,但同步功能很慢(墙内),引用导出格式也不如 EndNote 丰富。另外虽然它有个优势是可以跟 Overleaf 联动形成完全在线的论文写作模式,但这在 Overleaf 中是付费功能……总之我最终还是用回了最老牌的 EndNote。

其实论起多平台,EndNote 也有 iPad 版支持(现已更新为 iOS 通用版),内置的同步功能也还算 OK(虽然只能同步一个 Library)。

某天我移动了一下同步的 Library 的本地位置(也就是 My EndNote Library.enl 文件与 My EndNote Library.Data 文件夹的位置),结果发现 EndNote 配置中的同步数据库路径竟然是写死的,无法在界面中修改!经过一番搜索,我找到了以下两个解决方案。



  1. Open EndNote >click on Edit>Preferences>Sync. Disable all automatic syncing and then restart EndNote.
  2. Make sure the Trash is empty both in EndNote online as well as in EndNote X8 desktop. For EndNote online, Log into your EndNote online account http://my.endnote.com/. Delete all references and all groups from EndNote online, with the exception of any Shared Groups or ResearcherID Groups that they may have. To do so, login to EndNote online and check the reference under All References group and click on Delete. You will need to delete the groups as well, because when they sync with EndNote desktop, the groups will sync with the desktop. To delete the groups, go to the organise tab and click on Manage My Groups. Select the groups and delete.
  3. In EndNote desktop, open the correct copy (backup copy) of the library. Open EndNote>Edit>Preferences>Sync. Add this to the end of your E-Mail Address in the sync preferences: #!resetLocalSync Note! This is Case Sensitive – resetLocalSync not “resetlocalsync”.
  4. Click OK to close the preferences, and then click the Sync button.
  5. EndNote will then appear to authenticate and return the prompt: “A Sync library can be linked to only one account. Do not proceed unless you intend to break the link to the original account.” This happens because EndNote is checking authentication. Click OK, and EndNote will purge any knowledge of a previous sync.
  6. EndNote will then display the message, “Your local sync state has been reset. Please re-enter your E-Mail Address, restart EndNote, and sync again.” Click Ok.
  7. Close EndNote and open it again. Close all libraries then open the library which you’d like to sync with EndNote online.
  8. Again go to your sync preferences; enter your username/password and setup automatic sync settings.
  9. When you next click Sync, you will once again get the message “A Sync library can be linked to only one account. Do not proceed unless you intend to break the link to the original account.” Click OK.
  10. You will be prompted to make a backup. While this step is not required, it never hurts, follow the onscreen prompts to backup.
  11. A complete sync will then begin.



这个界面中无法修改的数据库路径实际上存储于注册表中,路径: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ISI ResearchSoft\EndNote\Preferences,修改其中的一个多字符串SyncLibraryPath的值,然后重启 EndNote,配置中的同步路径就改好咯。


上面这一顿操作之后,同步是成功了,但发现云端的附件列表里竟然多出了一个重复的 pdf,没有关联到任何一则 reference 上,尝试删除时提示:

Server.invalidInput - Invalid 157964314 belongs to expunged references

这个 bug 虽然不影响什么,但强迫症不能忍!各种搜索无果之后,我在 Clarivate Analytics 的客户支持里开了工单。大概一天后有工作人员进行了邮件回复,全文如下:

Hi Jason,
Thank you for contacting Clarivate Analytics Customer Care.
Could you please try the following: go to Organize>Manage Attachments, and sort the attachments by the Author column. On the first page of attachments, you will find attachments and a note next to the attachment that says “This file is not attached to a reference”and try to delete those attachments. This will resolve the issue.
If the issue persists, please try to associate this orphaned file attachment to a reference:

  1. Create a new reference in Endnote Online (Collect -> New Reference)
  2. Add at least one bibliographic field to the reference for identification
  3. Scroll down to the Attachments section, click the triangle and then click Attach Files
  4. Click the ‘reattach files’ link and attach that orphaned file to the this new reference.

At this point you can save that reference and do as you wish – either delete it or keep it in your library.
If this does not solve the issue, please send a screenshot of the error.
Best regards


简单说就是把这个孤立的附件任意关联到一则 reference 上,然后就能删除它了。


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